Iki is a Japanese word, pronounced as [i-ki].
The Meanings
Breath 息
What every single animal does to live.
Breath is most powerful instrument when you are an artist.
You need breath to speak, move, & nonverbal communication as well.
Smart, Cool, Fashionable 粋
When one says “You are iki” to a Japanese, it is the best compliment for his/her behavior & fashion.
Spirit, Mind 意気
When you are filled with spirit of doing something, you have your “iki”.
To Live, Lively, fresh 生き、活き
When you say “iki-ru”, that makes the word “iki” into verb which means “to live”.
When you repeat the word “iki” doubly as “iki-iki”, that means “lively”, “vigorously”, & “fresh”
To Go Forward to the Aim 行き
A train goes to the terminal station XX, we say “XX-iki”.
You can put your dream point as if it is your terminal station!
Nice word, is not it?
Have IKI, Use IKI, Be IKI!